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Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche Parinirvana – July 5th, 2022 – Livestream

PUBLIC LIVESTREAM WILL START ON July 5th, 4PM Pacific Time (20:00 Brazil, 7:00, July 6th HK): ***Click Here for Livestream***

We will be doing the Dudjom Throma Nagmo mid-length practice and tsog for the anniversary of the parinirvana of our beloved Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche. Please join the PPI-Ati Ling sangha for this special occasion. To join please follow the livestream link above. Empowerment is required to follow the text, but you are invited to join in meditation even if you do not have the empowerment.

Time: July 5th, 4:00pm Pacific Time.


Thank you for joining us in this celebration of the activity of this most precious teacher, who helped shape the path of so many practitioners. We look forward to sitting with our dharma brothers and sisters not only in the Americas, but also in eastern and western Europe, and Asia, where Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche traveled tirelessly to the end of his life. OFFERINGS To make offerings for this event, for the flourishing of Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche’s activity in many lands, and for the benefit of all beings — butterlamps are $1.50 each; tsog offerings can be in any amount. There are several ways to make offerings:

1) To make an offering by credit card online follow the link below and from the pull-down “Program Designation”, select tsog or butterlamps. 2) by mailing a check made out to ‘Ati Ling’ 3) by calling the events coordinator at 707-544-8029 to arrange payment by credit card.

Supplication prayer to Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche

PEMA JUG NE TSO KYE DOR JE YI Pema Jungnay, Lake-born Vajra,

DON GYU GONG PE JIN LAB NYING LA PO Transfer to our hearts the blessings of the wisdom mind of the ultimate linage.

PAL DEN LA MA DAM PA SOL WA DEB Glorious sacred lama, to you we pray.

NGE JUNG TOK PA KYE WAR JIN GYI LOB Grant your blessings to arouse the realization of renunciation.

For the vajra sangha, at the time of the peaceful departing of the peerless Dampa Pema Dorje, this was written by Zatrul Rinpoche, due to the supplications of his Sang Yum and students. May virtue increase.