We are happy to report that the dynamic cooperation of our staff, volunteers, and lamas all over the world continue to uphold and spread H.E. Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche’s vision for Chagdud Gonpa Foundation (CGF).
Your contribution as a member allows Chagdud Gonpa centers to support resident lamas, invite visiting lamas, and carry out elaborate ceremonies led by accomplished lineage masters. It provides the foundation that enables smaller centers to maintain and improve their facilities and larger centers to undertake major dharma projects. These activities are inspiring, and the merit of membership is the catalyst.
Chagdud Rinpoche created membership as a vast field of merit, an essential part of Vajrayana Buddhism, so his students could participate and benefit as fully as possible. All CGF facilities, retreat centers, and practice groups are an interconnected web dedicated to maintaining Chagdud Rinpoche’s dharma lineage which has been passed down through generations of great Nyingma masters. As individual practitioners, each of us is needed to uphold these great lineage practices and to create the interdependent conditions for the Chagdud incarnation (Yangsi) to flourish. We encourage you to participate in this great field of merit by becoming a member of CGF. This is a perfect time to choose the membership level that is best for you, and to make a commitment that will create lasting benefit.
May the merit of upholding Chagdud Rinpoche’s aspirations multiply and return to you and whoever is connected to you now and in the future!
We offer membership at various levels of giving and frequencies to provide you options that match your ability to support CGF. We look forward to welcoming you as a vital part of the CGF membership sangha
Membership Levels
- Patron: $1,200/year or $100/month
- Benefactor: $600/year or $50/month
- Family: $420/year or $35/month
- Individual: $300/year or $25/month
- Friend/Student/Senior: $180/year or $15/month
All dues are 100% tax-deductible