Saving Lives

Saving Lives

Upcoming Saving Lives Ceremony:

Lhabab Duchen, Nov 22nd, 2024
**Offering deadline Thursday, Nov 14th**

When dedicated whole-heartedly and consciously to others, the practice of saving lives creates an incalculable source of benefit.

“... freeing the lives of sentient beings who are certain to be killed is supreme among all types of longevity practices. For this reason and because freeing lives brings immeasurable benefits, all sensible people should increase their efforts to free lives.” – Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, from his terma, “Increasing Life and Prosperity: A Method for Freeing Lives”

Saving the lives of beings that are destined to die an untimely death is an extremely valuable method for creating virtue. Ati Ling conducts saving of lives ceremonies throughout the year. We release fish, birds, or other animals that are destined for slaughter in a manner that is mindful of the natural life-cycles and environments of each being involved.

If you would like to read more about saving of lives, please see the full text of Jamyang Khentse Wangpo’s terma, Increasing Life and Prosperity.

“Nothing is more precious than life itself, and no negative act more serious than taking life. Therefore, among composite forms of roots of virtue, none has greater benefit than the ransom and release of animals…The benefits of doing this are inconceivable: It is the supreme practice for longevity, and there is no higher practice for nurturing health, or for dedicating virtue to the dead. It is my main practice to help beings.” – Chadral Rinpoche, quoted from Sacred Voices.


How to Offer to the Saving of Lives 

You can make offerings at any time, with a specific dedication if you wish, and these donations are held together for the scheduled releases which are organized a few times a year, usually close to sacred holidays. 

 Send and email to to let us know your check is coming!
Make checks payable to ‘Ati Ling‘.
Write Saving of Lives on the check’s memo line.
If you’d like to dedicate this offering on behalf of someone, please include this dedication in the envelope.

 Send checks to: Ati Ling, Attn: Saving Lives, 
23125 Fort Ross Rd
 Cazadero, CA 95421

*All mailed checks must be RECEIVED by the deadline date

Credit Card On-Line:

 We offer secure online credit-card processing for making Saving of Lives offerings. Click the button below and you will be directed to a secure payment site. Simply select Saving of Lives from the “Apply my donation to” dropdown menu, and include your dedication in the available dedication field. International credit cards are also accepted. There is a 3% processing fee for all credit card transactions, which you can elect to cover.

For questions and comments about the Saving of Lives please email:

CGAL Logoonly

Click here
to make an offering for saving lives