Becoming a Member

Ati Ling is located in an area of outstanding beauty and quiet, with a friendly community dedicated to spiritual practice. When volunteers help here, not only can they find some immediate benefit for themselves by taking a break from their normal routine, but they are also contributing to the maintenance of this center as a place of refuge for all.

saving lives buddha

Saving Lives

Upcoming Saving Lives Ceremony: Lhabab Duchen, Nov 22nd, 2024**Offering deadline Thursday, Nov 14th**

Study and Practice

Tibetan Buddhism comprises a vast range of teachings and practices, from the Theravadan schools of Buddhism all the way through to the deity yoga and dzogchen/mahamudra practices of Vajrayana. We are fortunate at Ati Ling to have a resident teacher like Jigme Tromge Rinpoche who is well-versed in both the ritual arts as well as in the teachings on formal sitting meditation and practice.


Ati Ling is located in an area of outstanding beauty and quiet, with a friendly community dedicated to spiritual practice. When volunteers help here, not only can they find some immediate benefit for themselves by taking a break from their normal routine, but they are also contributing to the maintenance of this center as a place of refuge for all.



The sangha at Ati Ling offer butterlamps every day as a regular part of puja, and also in response to requests by individuals. This practice finds parallels in the spiritual traditions of many cultures as an expression of devotion, prayer or supplication. As a meditative ritual, it can bring calm, comfort and inspiration, and is an opportunity for clarifying one’s wishes, and focusing on the needs of others.

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On or close to the 10th and 25th days of the Tibetan month, sangha at Ati Ling offer Guru Rinpoche and Throma tsogs, to which everyone is welcome. We also do Red Tara and Green Tara tsogs every month.