Starting in 2019, there will be two streams for each year:
Stream 1:
- new students
- returning students who have not completed ngondro
- students who have completed ngondro but who are new to the program
Stream 2:
students who have
- attended previous PPI summer retreats AND completed ngondro, or
- completed the one month dzogchen retreat at Khadro Ling
Curriculum for Group 1 in 2019-2023:
Seven-Point Mind-Training (Lojong) based on Geshe Chekawa’s teaching, and the Ngondro Preliminary Practices, for which empowerments will be offered. Returning students will train further in shamatha practices.
Texts (purchase is optional for retreat, not required):
- Enlightened Courage by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
- Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving-Kindness by Chogyam Trungpa.
- Various ngondro commentaries and introductions to Vajrayana include Words of My Perfect Teacher, Ngondro Commentary, Cascading Waterfall, Not For Happiness, Gates to Buddhist Practice etc. All these titles are available in the PPI library, in PPI’s Lotus Gift Store, and online. Extensive hand-outs will also be provided.
Curriculum for Group 2 in 2019-2023:
In 2019-2022, daily practice will be structured around the four feasts of chod and one thun of the Rigdzin Dupa sadhana.
In addition, Rinpoche will offer teachings as follows:
- 2019: Rigdzin Dupa lama aspect, and Genpo Lagtrid (Tromge shamatha teaching, ati yoga part)
- 2020: due to COVID-related attendance restrictions, the Rigdzin Dupa lama aspect will be continued
- 2021: Rigdzin Dupa yidam aspect, and trekchod
2022: Rigdzin Dupa dakini aspect, and trekchod - 2023 onwards: Thigle Gyachen and further dzogchen trainings
Texts for Group 2, 2020:
- Gathering of Vidyadharas (purchase is optional for retreat, not required)
- Feasts of Chod and Rigdzin Dupa sadhanas (both required) published by Padma Publishing, available from PPI
For both groups
For 2020, ritual arts may not be part of the course.
Feasts of Chod and Rigdzin Dupa sadhanas (both required) published by Padma Publishing, available from PPI.
Training in Vajrayana ritual, especially torma-making, will be provided at certain times during the retreat.
Practice begins every day at 5am and sometimes earlier, and ends around 9pm. Retreatants must arrive on time for all sessions.
All retreatants will be assigned various tasks to help ensure the retreat runs smoothly, eg some dish shifts, basic housekeeping, butter-lamp preparation, etc.
Questions? Please write to