with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche
We are delighted to announce that Tromge Jigme Rinpoche will serve as vajra master and umze for this event — simply to hear a true master sing this beautiful practice is a wonderful source of blessings, and we hope that as many people as possible will be able to participate, whether they are new to Tibetan Buddhism, or already familiar with sadhana practice.
This will be an in-person and live-stream event, but empowerment in the Dudjom Throma lineage is required. Empowerment will be offered, but only for those physically present for the event. If you do not have the empowerment and are unable to travel to PPI for the event, please do not sign up for online participation.
The practice of T’hroma contains the complete path of the Vajrayana, from ngondro (the preliminary practices) all the way through the Dzogchen (Great Perfection) practices of Trekchod and T’hogal. The T’hroma-based practice of Chöd removes obstacles, both for our short-term happiness and those hindering our ultimate enlightenment. It carries extraordinary healing power and through its practice we can accumulate merit and wisdom in a vast and rapid way. Merely making a connection to T’hroma brings great benefit and blessings. Chöd is practiced daily in a number of Chagdud Gonpa centers, as His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche introduced it to many students on several continents, and we are fortunate that here at PPI-Ati Ling we too have been able to maintain this lineage under the guidance of Tromge Jigme Rinpoche.
Children are very welcome at this event. Please notify us ahead of time if you plan to bring your children, so that we can work out the best housing and relaxation spaces for them — thank you! Note that adult supervision is required at all times for young children.
For the full three-day, two-night event, including all meals, empowerment, puja, tsog and any teachings, the cost ranges from $220 to stay in the dorms, $280 in a double room, and $350 in a single room. (see below for ‘Financial Assistance and Work Study’).
REGISTRATION WILL BE POSTED SOON AND is required for in-person AND online participation.
Whether or not you are able to participate in this event, it is possible to make an offering for the tsog or butterlamps, with prayers that auspicious conditions prevail for the flourishing of this practice and for the benefit of all beings. Butterlamps are $1.50 each; tsog offerings can be in any amount. There are two ways to make offerings:
- To make an online offering by credit card, follow these links:
2. You can mail us a check made out to ‘Ati Ling’, with the offering designation in the memo line.
Starting Friday 9.30am (with 9am starts Sat and Sun) and ending Sunday 5.30pm (all times Pacific Time Zone). Lunch is 12.30pm Fri and Sat, and 12pm Sunday.
PPI / Ati Ling has long been committed to making its events as accessible as possible to all. Online participation is free, and our in-person events are priced very low, and charges are essentially to cover room and board. We try to work with what people can afford, trusting that people understand the importance of making whatever offering they can afford when they benefit from learning and practising the precious dharma. Scholarships may be available for people in receipt of SSI or with other valid needs for requesting financial assistance.
Dharma centers like Ati Ling take an enormous amount of work and long-term commitment to maintain, and we welcome practitioners who wish to support this effort. Work-study is therefore possible for some events. Our approach is to maximize the time work-study participants have in the shrine-room by requesting people to arrive before the event start in order to complete most of their hours. This means either arriving three days before the event start, to get oriented and help with preparation as much as possible, or arriving one or two days early and committing to extra help during the event. With both options, during the event you will have a standard retreat support assignment like everyone else.
Please write to events@atiling.org if you would like to attend an event but have limited funds. All information will be handled as strictly confidential — if you are new to this center, please explain your background in dharma, your interest in this practice, and the reasons for requesting financial assistance or work study Thank you!