Times (CA Pacific time):
Dec. 12th & 13th
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All are welcome to join Tromge Jigme Rinpoche and sangha for the 100,000 Red Tara Tsog Offerings Puja, dedicated with love to Lama Trinley, for the 49th day after her passing.
Link to Livestream Broadcast: 100,000 Red Tara Tsog Offering Puja
Main Text: Red Tara
Additional Inserts – English:
Red Tara Gektor & Jimbeb
Red Tara Medicine Offering
Preces Adicionais – Português:
Gektor, Jimbeb e Oferenda de Medicamento
Shortly before she died, Lama Trinley and Lama Dorje discussed with Jigme Rinpoche the possibility of doing this puja online in place of the usual annual gathering at Cottage Grove, so we hope that doing the puja like this will allow many to join in celebrating Lama“s life, reinforcing also our own practice aspirations.
Lama Trinley, who with her husband Lama Dorje, was the resident lama of Dechen Ling in Cottage Grove, Oregon, died on Sunday evening, October 25th. She died at home from cancer, which she had managed for many years with courage, humor, insight, and wisdom. Her sons Sam and Ian have been at home with her since the beginning of the pandemic and their presence was a source of special happiness. Lama Trinley was treasured as a wonderful retreat companion and excellent writer. She and Lama Dorje upheld Chagdud Gonpa’s lama dancing tradition, giving instructions both in North and South America for many years. In her years of parenting two sons, guiding Dharma practitioners and undergoing extensive medical treatments, her devotion to Chagdud Rinpoche and his lineage transmissions were uninterrupted. When any free moment arose, she made formal meditation her priority, and although she spoke quietly and not very much, her words conveyed the profound equanimity of a realization holder. Her radiance shines through the sorrow of this moment.
– Chagdud Khadro
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