Loving-Kindness & Tonglen

Loving-Kindness & Tonglen

Sat 6th – Sun 7th Oct
(residential retreat)
Two simple yet extraordinarily profound practices for opening the heart…

In loving-kindness mediation, we first learn to develop genuine care and compassion for ourselves, and then extend that to all beings without discrimination. Tong-len is a practice whereby the breath becomes the support for removing suffering and negativity and sending out happiness and well-being.

This retreat at PPI will be led by Jigme Rinpoche and is open to everybody. No previous knowledge or experience of Buddhism is required. At the same time, students familiar with these methods can greatly benefit from the opportunity to do focused practice in a retreat setting with Rinpoche.

The weekend will consist of teachings by Jigme Rinpoche on the classical Buddhist practice of loving-kindness (Pali – metta, Sanskrit – maitri), and the Tibetan Buddhist practice of ‘tong-len‘, as well as extended periods of silence where retreatants have the opportunity to go deeper into the meditation.

Relevant texts will also be provided to participants, and there will be an opportunity for questions as the practice progresses.

Ati Ling is a family-friendly dharma center. Children are welcomed provided they have adult supervision. Please contact office@atiling.org for further information if you are considering bringing children.

TIME: The retreat will begin on Saturday morning at 9.00am and end on Sunday evening around 5pm. Retreatants are welcome to arrive on Friday evening after 8pm — there will be an additional flat rate charge of $35 for the extra night including Saturday breakfast (no Friday dinner).
Single day attendance is possible for those who are unable to participate for the whole weekend — please talk to the treasurer about pricing (707-632-5364).

COSTS: Per person for entire event — two days of teachings, accommodations and meals (from Sat lunch through Sunday lunch, and snacks). Day-only includes just lunch.

Early Bird discounts ended Sept 28th… but prices are still very reasonable for the weekend. Please contact us if you would like to attend but are facing financial hardship.

Day-only Overnight in dorms Overnight in private rm, shared bath
CGF Member $70 $85 $150 / $120 single / double occupancy
Non-CGF member $80 $95 $160 / $130 single/double occupancy


REGISTRATION: Pre-registration is required. Please call the treasurer on 707-632-5364 or leave a message with your name and phone/email on 707-632-5629.

PLEASE: Follow the link to learn more about Doing Retreat at Ati Ling

We look forward to welcoming you to Ati Ling!