Rigdzin Dupa Drubchen 2024

Rigdzin Dupa Drubchen 2024

Fri 26th July – Sat 3rd August 2024
 with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche

We are delighted to be able to host a drubchen once again — our sixth Rigdzin Düpa Drubchen at Ati Ling/PPI, with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche serving as Vajra Master, with Chagdud Khadro, Lama Padma, Lama Sherab, Lama Pema Rigdzin, Lama Rigdzin Trinley and Khadro Kelsang also participating.

A drubchen (‘great accomplishment’) consists of around eight days of practice as a group, and when undertaken with altruistic motivation is traditionally considered to bring considerable benefits, such as reducing mental afflictions, restoring broken spiritual commitments, and establishing auspicious conditions for peace, harmony and further spiritual progress — both for oneself and on a much broader scale. And Guru Rinpoche, the greatest of masters, said that anyone who sincerely engages in a drubchen will gain the same benefits as practicing for three years in a solitary retreat.

All are welcome, regardless of previous experience.

The Rigdzin Düpa sadhana belongs to the Longchen Nyingthig (Heart Essence of the Great Expanse) cycle, which relates primarily to the teachings of Dzogchen. This sadhana is the Inner Guru practice of the Peaceful Male Vidyadhara sadhanas which contain Outer, Inner, Secret and Innermost Secret Guru practices. This cycle was bestowed upon Jigme Lingpa (1729-1798)  through a series of three visions  he had of the great master Longchen Rabjampa (1308-1363), and was soon propagated throughout Tibet, becoming one of the most influential lineages of the Nyingma tradition that continues to this day.

His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche received transmission of the Longchen Nyingthig cycle from both Khenpo Dorje and Tromge Tulku Arig, and practised it extensively during the years that he lived and traveled in Asia. Jigme Tromge Rinpoche received the transmission from his father Chagdud Rinpoche and from Khenpo Ngagchung.

Rigdzin Dupa has been practiced at PPI since 2004 when we were honored to have His Eminence Tsikey Chokling Rinpoche bestow the empowerment and lead the retreat for the first time. From 2004 until the first Drubchen at Ati Ling in 2015, it was practiced as a 100,000 tsog offerings retreat. Jigme Rinpoche also holds the Rigdzin Düpa sadhana as the foundation for the annual one-month Dzogchen retreat in Brazil.

ONLINE PARTICIPATION: Most of the event will be live-streamed, and anyone is welcome to join. If you do not have the Rigdzin Dupa empowerment, you can also join. Without empowerment, you should not use the text, but are welcome to follow and meditate as you have time. The stream will not run overnight.

There is no charge for online participation.


OFFERINGS: To make offerings, CLICK HERE and from the pull-down menu ‘Apply My Gift To’ select tsog or butterlamps.


EMPOWERMENT:  Required. Empowerment will be given on the first day. 

ATTENDANCE: Partial attendance is possible, but you MUST notify us by July 26th to ensure that your name is included on the boundaries list, otherwise you will not be able to participate.

TEXTS NEEDED:  Rigdzin Dupa, Galaxy of Heartdrops, Knowing One Liberates All, Protectors and Supplementary Protectors. All texts will be available for sale on site. Supplementary tsog texts also available online here.

TIME: The retreat will begin on Friday 26th July at 2:00 pm. Please allow enough time to settle in and find your seat in the shrine room (at least an hour).  The retreat will end on Saturday August 3rd in the morning.

COSTS: Include accommodations as selected and three meals a day. Vegetarian meals are offered with gluten-free and dairy-free options per advance request.

If you have questions please email us.

Prices include all meals, room, puja, tsog, any teachings for eight nights. Discount for partial attendance. See below for info on scholarships.

Complete Event Dormitories Shared room in Tara House Private Room
(2 twins or 1 double/queen)
with shared bath
CGF Member $375 $670
Non CGF Member $420 $760


Register online for this event.

PPI / Ati Ling has long been committed to making its events as accessible as possible to all. Online participation is free, and our in-person events are priced very low, and charges are essentially to cover room and board. We try to work with what people can afford, trusting that people understand the importance of making whatever offering they can afford when they benefit from learning and practising the precious dharma.  Scholarships may be available for people in receipt of SSI or with other valid needs for requesting financial assistance.
Dharma centers like Ati Ling take an enormous amount of work and long-term commitment to maintain, and we welcome practitioners who wish to support this effort. Work-study is therefore possible for some events. Our approach is to maximize the time work-study participants have in the shrine-room by requesting people to arrive before the event start in order to complete most of their hours. This means either arriving three days before the event start, to get oriented and help with preparation as much as possible, or arriving one or two days early and committing to extra help during the event. With both options, during the event you will have a standard retreat support assignment like everyone else.

Please write to events@atiling.org if you would like to attend an event but have limited funds. All information will be handled as strictly confidential — if you are new to this center, please explain your background in dharma, your interest in this practice, and the reasons for requesting financial assistance or work study Thank you!