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Rigdzin Dupa Drubchod July 2020

Tues 7th – Sat 11th July

Last day is Saturday 11th July, with just ONE thun.
Start time: 8am
End time: 1pm 


LIVESTREAM LINK (password-protected — only for registered participants with empowerment)


The full drubchen is cancelled, but we will instead do a drubchod, which complements the extensive Rigdzin Dupa longevity practices undertaken by Rinpoche and sangha earlier this year in Nepal. PPI residents will participate in person as usual, and a Youtube channel will be available for off-site participants.

There is no charge for this event. Offerings can be made online as usual. 

The empowerment will NOT be offered this year.  The retreat is only open to those who have already received the Rigdzin Dupa empowerment from Tromge Jigme Rinpoche.  Due to COVID, this will be an online-only event.

Pre-registration is required — register below. 

IF YOU ARE REGISTERING LATE, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE PREPARING OR IN PUJA, AND WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO SEND YOU THE PASSWORD INSTANTLY. We will get to it as soon as possible, after checking you have the empowerment. Please don’t email. We can see your registration. Thank you.

[symple_callout fade_in=”true” button_text=”Register” button_url=”https://register.etransfer.com/cgi-bin/acct/85HS6WR64O/displayForm.pl?dir=NPUNXJC3_2020″ button_color=”black” button_size=”large” button_border_radius=”6px” button_target=”blank” button_rel=”” button_icon_left=”” button_icon_right=””]Register for this event.[/symple_callout]

Early – whole daily CGF puja
9am-12.30pm – 1st thun
12.30pm-2.30pm — lunch break
2.30pm – approx. 5pm – 2nd thun, then break
5.20pm-7.30pm — 3rd thun

Please keep track of your accumulations during the tsog prayer accumulation sections, and post on the Google Form on the private page (live afternoon of July 7th), every day after the last tsog prayer session. Thank you very much!

TEXTS: Participants will need to have a text already, or purchase one. Since we will be referring to the English and Portuguese page numbers from the Chagdud Gonpa texts, we recommend participants purchase a text from the Lotus Light Store if you do not already have one.

OFFERINGS: To make offerings for this event, butterlamps are $1.50 each; tsog offerings can be in any amount. There are several ways to make offerings:

1) To make an offering by credit card online follow the link below and from the pull-down “Program Designation”, select tsog or butterlamps. 2) by mailing a check made out to ‘Ati Ling’ 3) by calling the events coordinator at 707-544-8029 to arrange payment by credit card.


Note: PPI has been unable to host rental groups since the start of the shut-down, and bookings continue to be tenuous for the coming months. Although the extra time has been valuable for us to work on the property, the loss of rental income (and lack of federal/state support for nonprofits like us) is hitting hard. We are very grateful for any donations large or small, one-time or ongoing, that you make to help the center through these times. Thank you!   Click here to support PPI                                                                             


If you are not already on our mailing list, and would like updates on our events, please join the list here.