Chagdud Gonpa Daily Practices Empowerments with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche – July 2024

Chagdud Gonpa Daily Practices Empowerments with Tromge Jigme Rinpoche – July 2024

Friday 19th – Sunday 21st July, 2024, PPI, Cazadero, CA

CG Ati Ling and the Padmasambhava Peace Institute are delighted to announce that after a five-year interval, Tromge Jigme Rinpoche will again offer the empowerments for the CGF daily practices. This will take place over a three-day period, starting on Friday morning with the empowerments required for ngondro accumulations (Amitabha, Guru Rinpoche, Vajrasattva) for those doing the five-day ngondro and deity practice retreat. As time allows, he will also offer more detailed explanations for some empowerments.

The full list of empowerments is as follows. Please note that apart from the first three for Friday morning, the order of the others are NOT set at this time. More information on the schedule, and about how to approach empowerments, will be given in May.

Guru Rinpoche with consort
White Vajrasattva
Thangtong Gyalpo (longevity)
Vajrakilaya (Dudjom treasure “The Razor that Destroys at a Touch”)
Tendrel Nyesel
Wrathful Guru (H.E. Chagdud Rinpoche)
Essence of Siddhi
Medicine Buddha 
Black Throma (Dudjom)
Lion-faced Dakini
Red Vajrasattva
Red Tara
Takhyung Barwa

All are welcome, including families — please write to if you have any questions about bringing your child. Please note children must have adult supervision at all times.

TIME: Morning 9am-12.3opm,  lunch, then 2.30pm to evening (with breaks). Sunday morning may start slightly later due to the ending of the two-week retreat early that morning. Rinpoche will continue with empowerments after the close of the two-week retreat.

COSTS: $120 for three days, or $40 per day. All prices include dorm accommodations, empowerments and instructions and all meals from Friday lunch through Sunday lunch.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Please note that because this event is concurrent with a two-week retreat, most likely there will only be dorm accommodations available. All dorms are high-ceiling, well-ventilated and are laid out with many space dividers for visual privacy. Please contact us directly if you have special needs and would like to try for a private room. Camping or day attendance is also possible. 

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Please follow the link below to register.

For more information about staying at the Padmasambhava Peace Institute, see Doing Retreat at Ati Ling

This event is being offered at a reduced rate from normal with the intention of helping more people connect with the precious, transformative teachings and practices of Vajrayana as taught by His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. May all beings benefit!

Register online for the empowerments.