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Defining Love – a public talk

Wed 26th Sept, 7-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael

Wed 26th Sept, 7-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael

What constitutes love, and are we really experiencing it? We may feel that we are loyal, loving and fair to a friend, yet the relationship manifests only confusion and pain. We claim our love for someone is unconditional, yet are desperately hurt, even feeling hatred, when they turn away or choose another partner. 
Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche said “Love is the sincere desire that each being experience both the cause and fruit of temporary and ultimate happiness. We establish a commitment to make every effort — physical, verbal, mental — to bring this about.” When we are able to recognize where our love is in fact limited, biased, judgmental or conditional, then this is the first step for us in redirecting it, remaking it as a love that is genuine and compassionate.

There is no charge for these teachings, although it is customary to make an offering to the lama at the end.

The Open Secret Bookstore is at 923 C Street, San Rafael. Paid parking is directly opposite the store.

Delicious vegetarian food is available in the cafe till 7pm, from Radiant Cuisine.