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The Two Truths – public talks

Weds 10th and 24th Oct, 7-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael 

Weds 10th and 24th Oct, 7-9pm
Open Secret Bookstore, San Rafael

As we progress on the path, we have to understand relative truth. When we really see what it is, then we have the strength to accept how things are. This acceptance alone frees us from considerable suffering and confusion. And once our mind has found some ease through recognizing how things are on a relative level, then we can begin to understand absolute truth. — Jigme Rinpoche.

Easy parking, delicious vegetarian food instore till 7pm, and a wonderful chance to spend time with an accomplished teacher exploring how we approach the true nature of phenomena. There is no charge for attending these teachings, although it is customary to make an offering to the lama at the end of the talk.

Open Secret Bookstore is at 923 C Street, San Rafael, CA 94901.