Thurs 18th – Sun 21st April 2013
Empowerment and Practice Retreat
This Green Tara retreat was planned for PPI staff, and is also open to the wider sangha, for those who wish to attend. Green Tara is a mahayoga sadhana revealed by His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche in the early 1990s. Jigme Rinpoche will offer the Green Tara empowerment and over four days, PPI-Ati Ling sangha will do the practice, with extended sitting times and a tsog offered daily. All are welcome to join, and participation is by donation only.
His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche tirelessly taught and propagated the Apong Terton Red Tara practice, creating groups of Red Tara practitioners all around the world. Rinpoche himself also revealed this Green Tara practice, but out of his humility he did not place much emphasis on it. As Chagdud Rinpoche’s disciples, besides maintaining the practices he taught on extensively in his lifetime, it is also our responsibility to focus on and maintain the treasures he himself revealed, which were offered to be of benefit for our times and conditions.
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: please call (707) 632 5629 or email to let us know which days you plan to attend, and for which meals, to allow us to plan efficiently, and to provide enough texts (which will be available for purchase).
Empowerment is required and will be offered Thursday morning, and again on Saturday morning if people arrive who do not have the empowerment. For those unable to attend when the empowerment is being given, it is still possible to simply sit with Jigme Rinpoche and the sangha.
Thursday 9.30am to Sunday 6pm, with 3-4 sessions a day (PPI residents will be doing four thuns a day, starting at 4.30am)
What to bring:
– All bedding (sheets, quilt or sleeping bag, pillow, towel etc) as everyone will be in the dorms. Tara House will NOT be available for this retreat.
– CGF daily practices texts.
– Offering of food/flowers for tsog.
– If you can’t eat basic vegetarian meals, please bring any special foods you need, as we regret we will be not be able to cater for restricted diets for this event.
– Flashlight is ESSENTIAL.
There is no charge for this event; participation is by donation only.
Whether or not you are able to participate in the event, it is possible to make an offering for tsog or butterlamps, with prayers that auspicious conditions prevail for the flourishing of this practice and for the benefit of all beings. Butterlamps are $1.50 each; tsog offerings can be in any amount. There are several ways to make offerings:
1) with secure credit card donation processing online at
(use Donate Now button below, and from the pull-down “Program Designation”, select tsog or butterlamps.
2) by mailing a check made out to ‘Ati Ling’
3) by calling the treasurer on 707-632-5364 to arrange payment by credit card.
Please email us at