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Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche — Parinirvana Anniversary Puja, Friday July 5th

Everyone is invited to join Khadro Kunsang-la, Tulku Rigzin and family, and also Tromge Jigme Rinpoche and the PPI-Ati Ling sangha in honoring Lama Pema Dorje Rinpoche on the anniversary of his 2019 parinirvana. We will be doing the Dudjom Tersar Dorsem Lama Chopa — Honoring the Guru as Vajrasattva. Meals and accommodations at the Padmasambhava Peace Institute in Cazadero, CA, are offered free of charge for anyone who wishes to attend.
Please write to events@atiling.org to let us know you plan to attend, and if you require accommodations for the night of the 4th or the 5th.


Whether or not you are able to participate in this practice day, it is possible to make an offering for the tsog or butterlamps, with prayers that auspicious conditions prevail for the flourishing of Rinpoche’s activity, and for the removal of obstacles of the sangha and all beings. Butterlamps are $1.50 each; tsog offerings can be in any amount. There are two ways to make offerings:

1) To make on offing online with a credit card follow the links below and from the pull-down “Program Designation”, select tsog or butterlamps.
2) by mailing a check made out to ‘Ati Ling’

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