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Hong Kong Empowerments: Lion-faced Dakini & Lhamo Palchenmo

June 8th-9th, 2019 at The Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center

Empowerments and Teachings will be offered this June 8th & 9th by Tromge Jigme Rinpoche for the Lion-faced Dakini and Lhamo Palchenmo at The Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center.

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The Longsal Nyingpo Lion-faced Dakini

Lion-faced Dakini

The Lion-faced Dakini in this practice is a Padma family deity. She directs the fearsome power of her wrathfulness to avert psychic attacks that may assault the practitioner, and subdue the negative energies experienced outwardly.

This particular Lion-faced Dakini is from a root text by the great Kat’hog master Longsal Dorje Nyingpo (1625-1692), which was elaborated on by Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche (1813-1899). It stands out from other already extraordinary dakini practices because it includes a lower activity section which was specifically written to help practitioners needing a clear and concise method for combating the obstacles and negativities they might encounter on the path. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche writes in the colophon:

Its chanting, meditation and samadhi are easy to perform;
Its sharp and swift blessings are renowned as great:
Based on it, may the holders of the teachings of the supreme secret,
Be completely victorious in battle against maras and hindrances!

The text clearly states that the practice can be used to dispel all kinds of maras, and even prevent future lineages of harm-doers from arising, for seven generations. The Lion-faced Dakini is the queen of the mamos, the spirits who when disturbed by humans’ destruction of the environment will wreak havoc by creating disease, insanity, war and other disasters. When we harness the Lion-faced Dakini’s power, especially through the meditation and ritual of the lower activity, we can work to overcome even very extreme inner and outer chaos manifested by the mamos and other harm-doers. Thus this sadhana is considered the most powerful Lion-faced Dakini practice for purposes of averting malevolent forces.

Right away in the introduction, however, we are reminded that the source of the problems we experience is within us — “the strength of self-clinging and the five poisons rises, and beings are afflicted by malicious gods and demons.” Through the blessings of the enlightened ones and the kind aspiration of masters like Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, we are fortunate to have access to a practice as powerful as this, to deal with those malicious forces. But rather than be swept away by the text’s vivid imagery and the sense of power it evokes, we are always directed to recall emptiness and compassion, essential for the liberation of evil forces. The main text ends with “Whatever arises… is self-liberated, …the mode of abiding and mode of being merge, yet compassion radiates” before launching into pages of maledictions for the lower activity, and then again returning to that expression of emptiness and compassion. This sadhana, embodying Longsal Dorje Nyingpo’s supreme wisdom and the direct, unpretentious guidance of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, gives us an incredible opportunity to work with whatever hindrances arise, while understanding their true nature.

Tromge Jigme Rinpoche received this transmission from his father the late His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, and has arranged for the translation of this sadhana for the benefit of the Hong Kong sangha and all who wish to transform the suffering caused by demonic forces.

Lhamo Palchenmo

Lhamo Palchenmo

This Palchenmo wealth deity practice was written by the great scholar and lama of Kham, Raga Asya — Karma Chagme (1613-1678), with side texts of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche (1813-1899) added later. Although it is not an actual terma, it is considered equally precious because of the bodhisattva-like qualities and vast aspiration of Karma Chagme and Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche. The practice is known throughout eastern Tibet and beyond, and the central text has been practiced by Tromge Gompa for over three hundred years. Great lamas such as His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche have acknowledged that the sadhana’s blessings are limitless due to its origin from those masters. Tromge Jigme Rinpoche received the transmission from His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, on which basis he has now compiled a sadhana at the request of the Hong Kong sangha.

Both ultimate and worldly accomplishments are very much related to the practice of wealth. Therefore Lord Buddha from the beginning taught on the six paramitas and specifically about the first paramita: generosity. Wealth is attained through the accumulation of merit when we practice generosity, whether in this lifetime or previous lifetimes; attaining the first bhumi is dependent upon accomplishing generosity. Facilitating and making offerings of clothes, texts or food to entire congregations of sangha depends not only on the faith of sponsors but also on their possession of material wealth. Performing the elaborate rites of Vajrayana also requires many different substances, which may again depend on conditions of wealth and abundance. Within our worldly environment there are many circumstances where wealth can alleviate terrible samsaric suffering, and so we practice Lhamo Palchenmo also in order to be in a better position to assist sentient beings on a practical level, whether through averting famine or providing material goods.

This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with a much-revered Lhamo Palchenmo sadhana, and to receive guidance on how to carry out wealth practice correctly, avoiding any pitfalls of greed or self-interest.