Becoming a Member

Ati Ling is located in an area of outstanding beauty and quiet, with a friendly community dedicated to spiritual practice. When volunteers help here, not only can they find some immediate benefit for themselves by taking a break from their normal routine, but they are also contributing to the maintenance of this center as a place of refuge for all.

The Three Samadhis

The Framework of the Three Absorptions (or Three Samadhis) 
From “Husks of Unity” – A Clarification of the Development Stage Rituals
by Getse Mahapandita Tsewang Chokdrup (1761-1829)


P’howa Requests

To request Jigme Rinpoche to do p’howa for someone who has just passed away, please call (707) 632 5629 or email Unless Rinpoche is away or traveling in areas without cell-phone reception, he will usually receive your request within hours.

2nd Annual Summer Retreat

June 28th – July 9th 
Extensive Teachings on the Vajrayana Path — Teachings on the Dudjom Tersar Ngondro, empowerment July 2nd.