

The sangha at Ati Ling offer butterlamps every day as a regular part of puja, and also in response to requests by individuals. This practice finds parallels in the spiritual traditions of many cultures as an expression of devotion, prayer or supplication. As a meditative ritual, it can bring calm, comfort and inspiration, and is an opportunity for clarifying one’s wishes, and focusing on the needs of others.

CGAL Logoonly


On or close to the 10th and 25th days of the Tibetan month, sangha at Ati Ling offer Guru Rinpoche and Throma tsogs, to which everyone is welcome. We also do Red Tara and Green Tara tsogs every month.

CTR 37

Chagdud Rinpoche’s 37 Points of Practice

To my hosts of students linked to me by previous aspirations and by karma, I, the tulku named Chagdud, an affectionate old man, am inspired by my feelings of love for you to write down this message and send it to you on the steed of the air. Please look upon it.

JR on throne

The Four Thoughts

“The freedom and opportunities we now have are extremely precious. Being impermanent, everything that is…